En este espacio dejaré los enlaces a casos raros en parasitología: localizaciones ectópicas e incluso asombrosas, manifestaciones atípicas y diagnósticos inesperados.

Infecciones en sitios no convencionales:

 A. Tracto genito urinario:
  1. Cystic Echinococcosis: One Entity, Two Unusual Locations
  2. Schistosoma in prostate - A case report
  3. Incidentally detected schistosomiasis in male genital organs
  4. Prostatic Schistosoma japonicum with atypical immunophenotyping of individual glandular tubes
  5. Scrotal Swelling and Testicular Atrophy due to Schistosomiasis in a 9-Year-Old Boy
  6. Hematospermia Due to Schistosome Infection in Travelers: Diagnostic and Treatment Challenges
  7. Leishmaniasis of the Feet Sole: A Case Report 
B, Tracto gastro intestinal:
  1. Intraepithelial Giardia intestinalis: a case report and literature review 

C. Tracto respiratorio
  1. Ascaris through a chest tube: a rare presentation 
  2. Chest tube ascariasis an extremely rare and bizarre presentation of colopleural fistula with traumatic diaphragmatic hernia: a case report and review of literature 
D. Presentaciones clínicas extrañas

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