En esta página se encuentran artículos en formato PDF que tratan diferentes aspectos sobre distintos parásitos que afectan humanos y animales. Entre estos artículos hay clásicos, revisiones, actualizaciones y casos clínicos de interés.
- A Guide to Utilization of the Microbiology Laboratory for Diagnosis of Infectious Diseases: 2013 Recommendations by the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA)
- Cuomo, Noel and White - Diagnosing medical parasites: A Public Health Officers Guide to Assisting Laboratory and Medical Officers
- Garcia et al. Procedures for the recovery and identification of parasites from the intestinal tract; Approved Guideline
- MacPherson. 1995. Enteric parasitology. Interpreting laboratory reports
- Mount Sinai Hospital - Parasitology Manual
- Ramos et al. 2014 El diagnóstico en medicina tropical en países con pocos recursos
- Shimizu, Robyn Y. - Section 9: Parasitology
- Mühlhauser y Rivas, 2014. Laboratorio de microbiología: conocimientos básicos para un clínico
- López-Jácome et al., 2014 Las tinciones básicas en el laboratorio de microbiología
- Rosenblatt, 2009. Laboratory Diagnosis of Infections Due to Blood and Tissue Parasites
- WHO, 2010 - Basic Malaria Microscopy, Part 2
- WHO, 2010 - Basic Malaria Microscopy, Part 1
Amibas de Vida Libre
- Pérez-Irezábal Queratitis por Acanthamoeba
- Marciano 2003 Acanthamoeba spp. as Agents of Disease in Humans
- Marciano-Cabral. 2009. Free-Living Amoebae as Agents of Human Infection
- Ramírez Molas et al. 2005. Queratitis por Acanthamoeba sp. Reporte de caso
- Visvesvara 2007 Pathogenic and opportunistic free-living amoebae Acanthamoeba spp., Balamuthia mandrillaris , Naegleria fowleri and Sappinia diploidea
- Visvesvara and Schuster 2008 Opportunistic Free-living Amebae, Part I
- Visvesvara and Schuster 2008 Opportunistic Free-Living Amebae, Part II.
Amibas no patógenas
- Gomila et al., 2011. Amebas intestinales no patógenas: una visión clinicoanalítica
- Shah et al., 2012. Blastocystis hominis and Endolimax nana Co-Infection Resulting in Chronic Diarrhea in an Immunocompetent Male
- Graczyk 2005 The association of Blastocystis hominis and Endolimax nana with diarrheal stools in Zambian school-age children
- Salvatella 2002 Endolimax nana (Wenyon & O’Connor,1917) su presencia en la casuística del Hospital de Clínicas, consideraciones sobre su papel patógeno.
- Poulsen and Stensvold. 2016. Systematic review on Endolimax nana: A less well studied intestinal ameba
Entamoeba sp.
- Chacin-Bonilla. 2010. Amibiasis Implicaciones del reconocimiento de Entamoeba dispar e identificacion de Entamoeba moshkovskii en humanos
- Samie. 2012. Amoebiasis in the tropics epidemiology and pathogenesis
- López 2008. Diagnóstico de amebiasis intestinal y extraintestinal
- López et al., 2012. Diferenciacion del complejo Entamoeba histolytica/Entamoeba dispar mediante Gal-GalNac letina y PCR en aislamientos colombianos
- Heredia et al., 2012. Entamoeba moshkovskii perspectives of a new agent to be considered in the diagnosis of amebiasis
- Anónimo. UN-Colombia. Hallan nuevo parásito que replantea la amebiasis - Entamoeba moshkovskii
- Klassen-Fischer, Wear and Neafie 2011 Amebiasis
- Salit et al. 2009. A possible cluster of sexually transmitted Entamoeba histolytica: genetic analysis of a highly virulent strain
- López et al., 2015. Molecular Epidemiology of Entamoeba: First Description of Entamoeba moshkovskii in a Rural Area from Central Colombia
- Fonseca. 2016. Identification of Entamoeba moshkovskii in Treated Waste Water Used for Agriculture
Babesia sp.
Malarias humana y animal
- Malaria
- Ashley and White, 2014. The duration of Plasmodium falciparum infections
- Ashley 2006 Malaria
- Bannister 2003 The ins outs and roundabouts of malaria
- Chotinavich 2007 Laboratory diagnosis of malaria infection – A short review of methods
- Bousema 2014 Asymptomatic malaria infections: detectability, transmissibility and public health relevance
- Campuzano y Blair. 2010. Malaria: consideraciones sobre su diagnóstico
- Greenwood 2005 Malaria
- Herrejon 2007 Malaria y embarzo una relacion peligrosa
- Mathison and Pritt. 2017. Update on Malaria Diagnostics and Test Utilization
- Meibalan 2017 Biology of Malaria Transmission
- Murray 2009 Rapid Diagnosis of Malaria
- Njunda 2013 Comparison of capillary and venous blood using blood film microscopy in the detection of malaria parasites: A hospital based study
- OMS Medios auxiliares para el diagnóstico de las infecciones palúdicas
- Piñeros 2002 Malaria y embarazo
- Piñeros 2008 Epidemiología de la malaria durante el embarazo
- The mechanism of erythrocyte invasion by the malarial parasite, Plasmodium falciparum
- Host-cell invasion by malaria parasites insights from Plasmodium and Toxoplasma
- Sullivan. 2005. Hemozoin: a Biocrystal Synthesized during the Degradation of Hemoglobin
- The Apicoplast A Plastid in Plasmodium falciparum and Other Apicomplexan Parasites
- WHO. 2016. Control y eliminación del paludismo por Plasmodium vivax. Informe Técnico
- WHO - Guidelines for the treatment of malaria - 3rd Ed
- WHO - Management of severe malaria
- Zuluaga. 2010. Malaria: consideraciones sobre su diagnóstico
Blastocystis sp.
- Santin 2011 Development of a new PCR protocol to detect and subtype Blastocystis spp. from humans and animals
- Stensvold 2009 Pursuing the clinical significance of Blastocystis – diagnostic limitations
- Stensvold 2009 Subtype distribution of Blastocystis isolates from synanthropic and zoo animals and identification of a new subtype
- Zapata y Rojas 2012 Una actualización sobre Blastocystis sp
Cryptosporidium sp. (Cryptogregaria)
Cryptosporidium sp. (Cryptogregaria)
- Chalmers 2009 Minireview Clinical cryptosporidiosis
- Fayer 2010 Taxonomy and species delimitation in Cryptosporidium
- Galván. 2018. Cryptoporidiosis in Colombia: a systematic review
- Leitch 2011 Cryptosporidiosis-an overview
- Robinson 2008 Unusual Cryptosporidium Genotypes in Human Cases of Diarrhea
- Xiao 2008 Molecular characterisation of species and genotypes of Cryptosporidium and Giardia and assessment of zoonotic
Eimeria sp.
Giardia sp.
- Ankarkelv 2010 Behind the smile cell biology and disease mechanisms of Giardia species
- Thompson 2004 The zoonotic significance and molecular epidemiology of Giardia and giardiasis
- Plutzer 2010 Giardia taxonomy, phylogeny and epidemiology Facts and open questions
- Giardia intestinalis genotypes Risk factors and correlation with clinical symptoms
- Thompson 2008 Giardiasis Modern Concepts in Control and Management
- Monis 2009 Variation in Giardia towards a taxonomic revision of the genus
Leishmania sp.
- Alvar 2006 Leishmaniasis and poverty
- 2006 Biomedica S1 Leishmaniasis
- Bailey 2007 Cutaneous leishmaniasis
- Berman Visceral leishmaniasis in the New World & Africa
- Etiologic Agent of an Epidemic of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in Tolima, Colombia
- Experiencias en el control de un foco de leishmaniasis cutánea en San Carlos, Antioquia
- Gestion para la vigilancia entomologica y control de la transmision de Leishmaniasis
- Reithinger 2007 Cutaneous leishmaniasis
- Singh 2006 New developments in diagnosis of leishmaniasis
- Una mirada a la epidemiologia y al control de la leishmaniasis zoonotica en Colombia
Trypanosoma cruzi
- Cucunubá et al., 2014. Primer consenso colombiano sobre Chagas congénito y orientación clínica a mujeres en edad fértil con diagnóstico de Chagas
- Herrera 2007 Identifying four Trypanosoma cruzi I isolate haplotypes from different geographic regions in Colombia
- Liu et al., 2005. Fellowship of the rings: the replication of kinetoplast DNA
- Mantilla 2010 Mixed infection of Trypanosoma cruzi I and II in a Colombian cardiomyopathic patient
- Mantilla et al., 2011. Enfermedad de Chagas: correlación clínico-patológica. Serie de casos del Hospital Universitario de Santander - Departamento de Patología, Universidad Industrial de Santander
- Moncayo An update on Chagas disease (human American trypanosomiasis)
- Páez 2009 Chagas Disease Progress and New Perspectives
- Rassi American Trypanosomiasis Chagas Disease
- Zingales et al., 2009. new consensus for Trypanosoma cruzi intraspecific nomenclature
- Bigliardi 2001 Cell biology and invasion of the microsporidia
- Delbac and Polonais The microsporidian polar tube and its role in invasion
- Microsporidiosis An emerging and opportunistic infection in humans and animals
- Microsporidiosis current status
- Botero 2004 Frecuencia de microsporidiosis intestinal en pacientes positivos para VIH
- Botero Garces 2002 Microsporidiosis intestinal
- Didier 2005 Microsporidiosis An emerging and opportunistic infection in humans and animals
- Didier 2008 Overview of microsporidia and microsporidiosis
- Garcia 2002 Laboratory Identification of the Microsporidia
- Omalu 2006 Human Microsporidial Infections
- Verweij 2007 Multiplex detection of Enterocytozoon bieneusi and Encephalitozoon spp. in fecal samples using real-time PCR
- Cell biology and invasion of the microsporidia
- The microsporidian polar tube A highly specialised invasion organelle
- Microsporidia how can they invade other cells
Toxoplasma gondii
- A review of toxoplasmosis in wild birds
- Castillo Martin 2004 Toxoplasmosis congenita una enfermedad con demasiados interrogantes
- Congenital Toxoplasma gondii infection
- Gomez Diagnostico de la toxoplasmosis humana
- Gomez Toxoplasmosis congénita en Colombia
- Flegr 2013 How and why Toxoplasma makes us crazy
- Montoya 2004 Toxoplasmosis
- Reiter 2005 Laboratory diagnosis of toxoplasmosis
- Rosso 2007 Toxoplasmosis congénita: aspectos clínicos y epidemiológicos
- Serotyping of Toxoplasma gondii in chronically infected pregnant women predominance of type II in Europe and types I and III in Colombia (South America)
- Invasion and intracellular survival by protozoan parasites
- The moving junction, a key portal to host cell invasion by apicomplexan parasites
- Host cell invasion by the opportunistic pathogen Toxoplasma gondii
- Building the Perfect Parasite Cell Division in Apicomplexa
- The evolution, metabolism and functions of the apicoplast
- Toxoplasmosis in HIV/AIDS Patients - A Living Legacy
- Mechanisms of Toxoplasma gondii persistence and latency
- How apicomplexan parasites move in and out of cells
HELMINTOS - CESTODOS - Taenia solium y cisticercosis
- Cortés et al. 2012. Guía de atención integral para la prevención, detección temprana y tratamiento de las complicaciones del embarazo, parto y puerperio: sección toxoplasmosis en el embarazo
- Guia de Atencion Clinica de la enfermedad de Chagas 2010
- Guía de Atención Integral de Leishmaniasis 2010
- Guía para Atención Clínica Integral del paciente con malaria
- Lineamiento de Desparasitación Antihelmíntica Masiva, en el Marco de la Estrategia “Quimioterapia Preventiva Antihelmíntica de OMS”
- Primer consenso colombiano sobre Chagas congénito y orientación clínica a mujeres en edad fértil con diagnóstico de Chagas
- Easily missed-Imported malaria. Willcox, 2013. BMJ
- Enfermedad de Chagas de transmisión oral: vinculación del caso índice con una microepidemia urbana en Venezuela. Alarcón et al., 2010
- Ecological scenario and Trypanosoma cruzi DTU characterization of a fatal acute Chagas disease case transmitted orally (Espírito Santo state, Brazil). Dario et al., 2016
- Parasitic diseases and fungal infections – their increasing importance in medicine
- Samuel Opportunistic Parasitism: Parasitic Association with the Host that has Compromised Immune System
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