En esta página se encuentran artículos en formato PDF que tratan diferentes aspectos sobre distintos parásitos que afectan humanos y animales. Entre estos artículos hay clásicos, revisiones, actualizaciones y casos clínicos de interés. 

  1. A Guide to Utilization of the Microbiology Laboratory for Diagnosis of Infectious Diseases: 2013 Recommendations by the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA)
  2. Cuomo, Noel and White - Diagnosing medical parasites: A Public Health Officers Guide to Assisting Laboratory and Medical Officers  
  3. Garcia et al. Procedures for the recovery and identification of parasites from the intestinal tract; Approved Guideline 
  4. MacPherson. 1995. Enteric parasitology. Interpreting laboratory reports
  5. Mount Sinai Hospital - Parasitology Manual 
  6. Ramos et al. 2014 El diagnóstico en medicina tropical en países con pocos recursos
  7. Shimizu, Robyn Y. - Section 9: Parasitology  
  8. Mühlhauser y Rivas, 2014. Laboratorio de microbiología: conocimientos básicos para un clínico 
  9. López-Jácome et al., 2014 Las tinciones básicas en el laboratorio de microbiología 
  10. Rosenblatt, 2009. Laboratory Diagnosis of Infections Due to Blood and Tissue Parasites
  11. WHO, 2010 - Basic Malaria Microscopy, Part 2 
  12. WHO, 2010 - Basic Malaria Microscopy, Part 1  


Amibas de Vida Libre

  1. Pérez-Irezábal Queratitis por Acanthamoeba 
  2. Marciano 2003 Acanthamoeba spp. as Agents of Disease in Humans 
  3. Marciano-Cabral. 2009. Free-Living Amoebae as Agents of Human Infection
  4. Ramírez Molas et al. 2005. Queratitis por Acanthamoeba sp. Reporte de caso 
  5. Visvesvara 2007 Pathogenic and opportunistic free-living amoebae Acanthamoeba spp., Balamuthia mandrillaris , Naegleria fowleri and Sappinia diploidea 
  6. Visvesvara and Schuster 2008 Opportunistic Free-living Amebae, Part I
  7. Visvesvara and Schuster 2008 Opportunistic Free-Living Amebae, Part II.

Amibas no patógenas

  1. Gomila et al., 2011. Amebas intestinales no patógenas: una visión clinicoanalítica
  2. Shah et al., 2012. Blastocystis hominis and Endolimax nana Co-Infection Resulting in Chronic Diarrhea in an Immunocompetent Male
  3. Graczyk 2005 The association of Blastocystis hominis and Endolimax nana with diarrheal stools in Zambian school-age children 
  4. Salvatella 2002 Endolimax nana (Wenyon & O’Connor,1917) su presencia en la casuística del Hospital de Clínicas, consideraciones sobre su papel patógeno.
  5. Poulsen and Stensvold. 2016. Systematic review on Endolimax nana: A less well studied intestinal ameba 

Entamoeba sp.

  1. Chacin-Bonilla. 2010. Amibiasis Implicaciones del reconocimiento de Entamoeba dispar e identificacion de Entamoeba moshkovskii en humanos
  2. Samie. 2012. Amoebiasis in the tropics epidemiology and pathogenesis 
  3. López 2008. Diagnóstico de amebiasis intestinal y extraintestinal 
  4. López et al., 2012. Diferenciacion del complejo Entamoeba histolytica/Entamoeba dispar mediante Gal-GalNac letina y PCR en aislamientos colombianos 
  5. Heredia et al., 2012. Entamoeba moshkovskii perspectives of a new agent to be considered in the diagnosis of amebiasis  
  6. Anónimo. UN-Colombia. Hallan nuevo parásito que replantea la amebiasis - Entamoeba moshkovskii  
  7. Klassen-Fischer, Wear and Neafie 2011 Amebiasis
  8. Salit et al. 2009. A possible cluster of sexually transmitted Entamoeba histolytica: genetic analysis of a highly virulent strain 
  9. López et al., 2015. Molecular Epidemiology of Entamoeba: First Description of Entamoeba moshkovskii in a Rural Area from Central Colombia 
  10. Fonseca. 2016. Identification of Entamoeba moshkovskii in Treated Waste Water Used for Agriculture 


Babesia sp.

  1. Babesiosis in dogs and cats—Expanding parasitological and clinical spectra

Malarias humana y animal

  1. Malaria
  2. Ashley and White, 2014. The duration of Plasmodium falciparum infections
  3. Ashley 2006 Malaria
  4. Bannister 2003 The ins outs and roundabouts of malaria 
  5. Chotinavich 2007 Laboratory diagnosis of malaria infection – A short review of methods 
  6. Bousema 2014 Asymptomatic malaria infections: detectability, transmissibility and public health relevance 
  7. Campuzano y Blair. 2010. Malaria: consideraciones sobre su diagnóstico 
  8. Greenwood 2005 Malaria 
  9. Herrejon 2007 Malaria y embarzo una relacion peligrosa 
  10. Mathison and Pritt. 2017. Update on Malaria Diagnostics and Test Utilization
  11. Meibalan 2017 Biology of Malaria Transmission 
  12. Murray 2009 Rapid Diagnosis of Malaria 
  13. Njunda 2013 Comparison of capillary and venous blood using blood film microscopy in the detection of malaria parasites: A hospital based study 
  14. OMS Medios auxiliares para el diagnóstico de las infecciones palúdicas 
  15. Piñeros 2002 Malaria y embarazo 
  16. Piñeros 2008 Epidemiología de la malaria durante el embarazo 
  17. The mechanism of erythrocyte invasion by the malarial parasite, Plasmodium falciparum 
  18. Host-cell invasion by malaria parasites insights from Plasmodium and Toxoplasma
  19. Sullivan. 2005. Hemozoin: a Biocrystal Synthesized during the Degradation of Hemoglobin
  20. The Apicoplast A Plastid in Plasmodium falciparum and Other Apicomplexan Parasites  
  21. WHO. 2016. Control y eliminación del paludismo por Plasmodium vivax. Informe Técnico 
  22. WHO - Guidelines for the treatment of malaria - 3rd Ed
  23. WHO - Management of severe malaria
  24. Zuluaga. 2010. Malaria: consideraciones sobre su diagnóstico 


Blastocystis sp.
  1. Santin 2011 Development of a new PCR protocol to detect and subtype Blastocystis spp. from humans and animals 
  2. Stensvold 2009 Pursuing the clinical significance of Blastocystis – diagnostic limitations 
  3. Stensvold 2009 Subtype distribution of Blastocystis isolates from synanthropic and zoo animals and identification of a new subtype
  4. Zapata y Rojas 2012 Una actualización sobre Blastocystis sp 

Cryptosporidium sp. (Cryptogregaria)

  1. Chalmers 2009 Minireview Clinical cryptosporidiosis 
  2. Fayer 2010 Taxonomy and species delimitation in Cryptosporidium  
  3. Galván. 2018. Cryptoporidiosis in Colombia: a systematic review
  4. Leitch 2011 Cryptosporidiosis-an overview
  5. Robinson 2008 Unusual Cryptosporidium Genotypes in Human Cases of Diarrhea 
  6. Xiao 2008 Molecular characterisation of species and genotypes of Cryptosporidium and Giardia and assessment of zoonotic 

Eimeria sp.
  1. Recent Advances in Biology and Immunobiology of Eimeria Species and in Diagnosis and Control of Infection

Giardia sp.
  1. Ankarkelv 2010 Behind the smile cell biology and disease mechanisms of Giardia species
  2. Thompson 2004 The zoonotic significance and molecular epidemiology of Giardia and giardiasis 
  3. Plutzer 2010 Giardia taxonomy, phylogeny and epidemiology Facts and open questions 
  4. Giardia intestinalis genotypes Risk factors and correlation with clinical symptoms 
  5. Thompson 2008 Giardiasis Modern Concepts in Control and Management 
  6. Monis 2009 Variation in Giardia towards a taxonomic revision of the genus 

Leishmania sp.
  1.  Alvar 2006 Leishmaniasis and poverty
  2. 2006 Biomedica S1 Leishmaniasis 
  3. Bailey 2007 Cutaneous leishmaniasis 
  4. Berman Visceral leishmaniasis in the New World & Africa 
  5. Etiologic Agent of an Epidemic of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in Tolima, Colombia 
  6. Experiencias en el control de un foco de leishmaniasis cutánea en San Carlos, Antioquia 
  7. Gestion para la vigilancia entomologica y control de la transmision de Leishmaniasis 
  8. Reithinger 2007 Cutaneous leishmaniasis
  9. Singh 2006 New developments in diagnosis of leishmaniasis 
  10. Una mirada a la epidemiologia y al control de la leishmaniasis zoonotica en Colombia 

Trypanosoma cruzi

  1. Cucunubá et al., 2014. Primer consenso colombiano sobre Chagas congénito y orientación clínica a mujeres en edad fértil con diagnóstico de Chagas
  2. Herrera 2007 Identifying four Trypanosoma cruzi I isolate haplotypes from different geographic regions in Colombia
  3. Liu et al., 2005. Fellowship of the rings: the replication of kinetoplast DNA
  4. Mantilla 2010 Mixed infection of Trypanosoma cruzi I and II in a Colombian cardiomyopathic patient 
  5. Mantilla et al., 2011. Enfermedad de Chagas: correlación clínico-patológica. Serie de casos del Hospital Universitario de Santander - Departamento de Patología, Universidad Industrial de Santander 
  6. Moncayo An update on Chagas disease (human American trypanosomiasis)  
  7. Páez 2009 Chagas Disease Progress and New Perspectives 
  8. Rassi American Trypanosomiasis Chagas Disease
  9. Zingales et al., 2009. new consensus for Trypanosoma cruzi intraspecific nomenclature 


  1. Bigliardi 2001 Cell biology and invasion of the microsporidia
  2. Delbac and Polonais The microsporidian polar tube and its role in invasion 
  3. Microsporidiosis An emerging and opportunistic infection in humans and animals
  4. Microsporidiosis current status
  5. Botero 2004 Frecuencia de microsporidiosis intestinal en pacientes positivos para VIH  
  6. Botero Garces 2002 Microsporidiosis intestinal  
  7. Didier 2005 Microsporidiosis An emerging and opportunistic infection in humans and animals 
  8. Didier 2008 Overview of microsporidia and microsporidiosis 
  9. Garcia 2002 Laboratory Identification of the Microsporidia 
  10. Omalu 2006 Human Microsporidial Infections 
  11. Verweij 2007 Multiplex detection of Enterocytozoon bieneusi and Encephalitozoon spp. in fecal samples using real-time PCR 
  12. Cell biology and invasion of the microsporidia 
  13. The microsporidian polar tube A highly specialised invasion organelle 
  14. Microsporidia how can they invade other cells 

Toxoplasma gondii

  1. A review of toxoplasmosis in wild birds
  2. Castillo Martin 2004 Toxoplasmosis congenita una enfermedad con demasiados interrogantes 
  3. Congenital Toxoplasma gondii infection
  4. Gomez Diagnostico de la toxoplasmosis humana 
  5. Gomez Toxoplasmosis congénita en Colombia 
  6. Flegr 2013 How and why Toxoplasma makes us crazy
  7. Montoya 2004 Toxoplasmosis 
  8. Reiter 2005 Laboratory diagnosis of toxoplasmosis 
  9. Rosso 2007 Toxoplasmosis congénita: aspectos clínicos y epidemiológicos  
  10. Serotyping of Toxoplasma gondii in chronically infected pregnant women predominance of type II in Europe and types I and III in Colombia (South America)  
  11. Invasion and intracellular survival by protozoan parasites 
  12. The moving junction, a key portal to host cell invasion by apicomplexan parasites 
  13. Host cell invasion by the opportunistic pathogen Toxoplasma gondii 
  14. Building the Perfect Parasite Cell Division in Apicomplexa 
  15. The evolution, metabolism and functions of the apicoplast 
  16. Toxoplasmosis in HIV/AIDS Patients - A Living Legacy  
  17. Mechanisms of Toxoplasma gondii persistence and latency 
  18. How apicomplexan parasites move in and out of cells 

HELMINTOS - CESTODOS - Taenia solium y cisticercosis

  1. Diagnosis and Treatment of Neurocysticercosis: 2017 Clinical Practice Guidelines by the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA)


  1. Rodríguez-Morales et al. 2015. Echinococcosis in Colombia — A Neglected Zoonosis?
  1. Requena-Méndez et al. 2013 The Laboratory Diagnosis and Follow Up of Strongyloidiasis: A Systematic Review


  1. Cortés et al. 2012. Guía de atención integral para la prevención, detección temprana y tratamiento de las complicaciones del embarazo, parto y puerperio: sección toxoplasmosis en el embarazo
  2. Guia de Atencion Clinica de la enfermedad de Chagas 2010
  3. Guía de Atención Integral de Leishmaniasis 2010
  4. Guía para Atención Clínica Integral del paciente con malaria
  5. Lineamiento de Desparasitación Antihelmíntica Masiva, en el Marco de la Estrategia “Quimioterapia Preventiva Antihelmíntica de OMS”
  6. Primer consenso colombiano sobre Chagas congénito y orientación clínica a mujeres en edad fértil con diagnóstico de Chagas


  1. Easily missed-Imported malaria. Willcox, 2013. BMJ
  2. Enfermedad de Chagas de transmisión oral: vinculación del caso índice con una microepidemia urbana en Venezuela. Alarcón et al., 2010
  3. Ecological scenario and Trypanosoma cruzi DTU characterization of a fatal acute Chagas disease case transmitted orally (Espírito Santo state, Brazil). Dario et al., 2016 
  4. Parasitic diseases and fungal infections – their increasing importance in medicine
  5. Samuel Opportunistic Parasitism: Parasitic Association with the Host that has Compromised Immune System 

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